potom tu budou shrnutí toho kam to chceme směřovat sociálně a příběhově, zatim si sem odložim pár čistě gamistickejch poznámek k postavě:
- investigation - people search (2)
- occult - laboratory (3)
- empathy - behavioral sciences (2)
- subterfuge - alternative identity (2)
[- Weaponry: * (4)
- Brawl ** (6)]
MA: Qinna, 2/6/12
Fightning finesse ** (6)
Danger sense ** (6)
Trained memory (*) (2)
Trained observer (* / ***) (2 / 12) - postihy až do -3 / rote action
* Just One More Thing (Interview 1)
** Scene Read (Investigation 2)
*** Speed of Thought (Investigation 3) / Deep Background (Research 2)
(**** Postcognition (Investigation 4))
(***** Hall of Mirrors (Investigation 5))
Second sight:
- Dawsing (item search), p. 38
- Postcognition, p. 40, */*** (2/12)
- Precognition, p. 40, **** (20)
- Psychometry, p. 41, ***/**** (12/20)
- Psychic invisibility, p. 62, ***** (30)